The best way to predict the future is to create it

Abraham Lincoln

About the Village

Hello!  Thank you for your interest in Teal Village.  Here you will find information about what we do and how we do it, so you can decide if this community is the right place for you.

Teal Village is a global community and a virtual home for purpose-driven, soul-conscious and freedom-loving individuals who have shared passion in elevating social and business consciousness through self-transformation.  Members come here to discover their life missions, express their uniqueness and practice being authentic selves in order to create consciously, serve selflessly, and inspire others in whatever roles they play regardless of education, age, job, or position of authority.

Everything we do inside of the village is centered on people.  Our first priority is to ensure an environment of safety, belonging and acceptance.  So, the village becomes a sanctuary and a healing space for its members.

In Teal Village, we aspire to do what we love and do it with joy.  We strongly believe that when our inner world is in peace and harmony, so is our outer world.  The only way to bring sustainable changes to the world outside is to change ourselves inside.  This is why that engaging in life long self-discovery and self-development is the foundation of what we do in the village.

Within this safe and supportive space, it is every member’s responsibility to progress with her/his journey of personal development, wherever they are starting from.  Our intention is to make personal development guidance accessible and its process enjoyable and highly effective.  All activities are designed to increase self-awareness or to address challenges at various phases of the journey.  It is through active participation and practice, we internalize our learning, raise our consciousness and become what we are meant to be.

In a true Teal spirit, all activities are self-organized and self-managed by members.  Our goal is to grow conscious leaders capable of creating and co-creating from ideas and bringing them into forms that benefit the society.  This can be accomplished through both for-profit and humanitarian projects.  It is therefore imperative for every member to take initiatives, to reach out, to participate and to contribute.

Most activities are done in groups or in pairs, so we learn from each other, give and receive support, and have fun in the process.  Equally importantly, through these activities, we get to knowlike and trust each other, essential parts of village life, before we co-create businesses and projects together.

To move towards the Teal vision is to enter an un-learn and a re-learn process.  We understand that it takes courage and strong commitment to step into the unknown, and yes, with the support of a community, we are all about taking you into the unknown within you.  So you can look deeply into yourself, peel off the layers of resistance, recognize your brilliance and show up differently.  Needless to say, it would be insanity to hold on to old behavioral patterns and expect changes at the same time.

After all, the only barrier to achieving any goal in life is OURSELVES.  To remove the barrier requires us to accept ourselves unconditionally AND to take full responsibility for our situations.  Yes, they are paradoxical.  Integrating them is the result of our personal development journey.

If you consider joining us, then please go to the Join Us tab and follow the required steps in Membership Requirements page. If you want to learn more about Teal or Spiritual Intelligence, you can read the Teal Insights and the books recommended in the Library at your leisure.  You are also welcome to take a look at the self-assessment and self-reflection questions in the Self-Discovery Tools section.

We wish you continued learning and growth.

The Co-Host Team