Our Approach

Our approach in Teal Village is counter-intuitive.  Instead of boosting how our information or products will solve your problems or make you smarter, we emphasize the fact that you were born a miracle with everything you need to create the life you want.  Our goal in the village is for you to recognize this truth through your own experience.  If you are not already on the path of creating your desired life, what you need first and foremost is not acquiring another diploma, skill or method, but letting go your limiting beliefs and degenerative behavioral patterns.  

The essence of self-development is more of a subtraction than an addition process.  It is similar to removing dust on lamps whose purpose is to illuminate the world with their presence.  After all, the biggest barrier to achieving any goal in life is OURSELVES.  Removing the barrier requires us to accept ourselves unconditionally AND to take full responsibility for our situations.  In other words, we must unlearn before relearn. 

Teal Village’s objective is to support your journey of self-development in order to transform yourselves into self-leaders.  What are self-leaders? Self-leaders are individuals in charge of their own lives.  They make conscious choices according to their freewill and innate wisdom, instead of social expectations, autopilot or fear.  Self-leaders know who they are and what they want, and act accordingly.  In other words, they are free-spirits who show up in the world as their authentic selves.  They come to this world to explore, to grow, to contribute, and to reach their human potential. 

Self-leaders are creators, who can generate wealth, at will, as specialists or business entrepreneurs while make the world a better place.  They can create win-win relationships and enjoy nourishing social interactions.  Self-leaders understand the meaning of responsibility.  They know that they are the creators of their own life experiences, therefore, refuse to claim victimhood or blame others for their struggles.  They focus on possibilities instead of problems.  They look for solutions instead of excuses, knowing that every challenge is an opportunity for learning and growth. 

                  Self-awareness is the beginning of all wisdom.

                                                       –  Aristotle

Self-development starts with self-awareness.  It is a process of letting go what no longer serve us and creating what we want.  All of our human potential and the source of our physical, financial, relationship or business issues can be traced back to our subconscious programming or mindset.  The good news is we are the owner of our mind and can choose to be in charge of it.  Teal Village is a virtual training facility for practicing how to increase self-awareness and self-mastery.  Once we can do this, we will become invincible. 

Our approach is hands-on and requires active participations.  All theories and methods exist to facilitate understanding, but unless we translate understanding into actions through practice and enhance the quality of our lives, theories and methods are useless.  Only when we can self-master, self-transform, and practice what we preach, we can turn ourselves into the bright light we are meant to be, illuminating the path forward, leading others and impacting the world positively.

We know the process to achieve this.  If you desire to reach your potential and are committed to turning your vision into reality, then Teal Village is designed exactly for this purpose. 

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