Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What makes Teal Village unique?

Commuities aimed for transformation often focus on What and How.  It is about what to do and how to do it.  The main focus is knowledge, tool, method and skill acquisition.  At Teal Village, we focus on the Who and Why.  It is about who we want to be and why – self-awareness, mindset and intention.  We believe that once we have self-awareness, a clear intention and commitment, we can achieve anything we want.  In other words, Who and Why are the roots.  Their alignment enables the healthy unfolding of any What and How.  We also believe that change is an inside-out process.  When we are changed individually on the inside, our world outside changes.  In other words, our main purpose in the village is to raise consciousness ourselves, then create families, businesses and society from that higher consciousness.  Every single activity in the village is created for this single overriding purpose.

2.  What is the one big earth-shattering idea about Teal Village?

The very thought of one earth-shattering idea or super guru that would save the world is what has created so many problems we face today.  Each one of us is simultaneously part of the problem and part of the solution on this planet.  Once we know who we really are – a genius and a miracle in physical form, we will no longer search for saviors or gurus to save us.  Instead, we will claim our inner power and look inward for solutions.  

What we have in the village is deep knowledge and extensive experience about how to raise consciousness which is built into our design.  Teal Village emphasizes Going Within to unleash the hidden potential within us, so we can create the lives and businesses we want.  Miraculous results don’t come from one big secret formula.  They come from deliberate choices and persistant actions.  The process gets much easier with spiritual guidance, stimulating activities and community support available within the village.  All we need is to trust the process.    

3.  What kind of members is Teal Village looking for?

Our ideal members are committed to a life in service of society by sharing your wisdom, expertise, products or services.  You are either in life/career transition or are creating projects or businesses that benefit humanity.  You also want to increase your business success rate from the typical less than 10% of global average to at least 90%.  You want to walk this journey with a community of trustworthy wise souls who can understand you and discuss various topics, about life or business, with you at a deep level rarely possible outside of Teal Village.    

It is possible that you are already in the process of creating projects or businesses.  It is possible that you are currently in a less satisfying lifestyle or career, wanting to reinvent yourself.  It is possible that you are happy with where you are but know there is more potential in you that you want to discover.  In any of these cases, if you are willing to continue your self-development journey and connect with fellow members to co-create life or business that bring you joy; if you are willing to co-create a community centered on raising consciousness by bringing positive energy and kindness with you, then you are whom Teal Village is looking for.  

4.  What can I expect to see if I sign up?

Depends on what you are looking for.  If you look for something external, you will meet a community of highly conscious old souls who have an innate desire to transform society through self-transformation.  You will find courses, recommended coaching and healing service to support your journey.  

Our main offering is a supportive and safe space for you to practice being the best version of YOU.  This space is similar to a yoga studio.  When you visit, you will see a room of yoga practitioners and yoga mats on the floor.  The only way to understand the magic of yoga is to experience it.  Even experiencing it a few times doesn’t show you the breadth nor the depth.  It is through consistent practice over an extended period of time, you will experience self-transformation and understand its magic.  The subtlety and the process are part of the magic.  

After all, Teal Village is not designed as a shopping mall, but an open space in which you and your business can flourish.  When you sign up, you are engaged in a co-creation process – creating the best version of yourself, your business and the community together as a partner, not a consumer.  Over time, with collective effort, we will turn the open space into an ecosystem and a forest of conscious people and conscious businesses.

5.  What am I expected to practice?

Teal Village is a space created for us to practice taking charge of our lives. This is an un-learn and re-learn process.  Instead of looking outward for magic formula or gurus, we encourage you to look inward to discover your talents, wisdom, purpose and potential.  We encourage you to create from inner resources and win-win collaborations.  We also encourage you to look inward for root cause of your challenges – limiting thought and behavioral patterns and to find answers from within.  Ultimately, we encourage you to develop the habit of LOOKING INWARD and to practice mindfulness in order to increase self-awareness and self-mastery.  

As human beings, we grow in relationships.  Deep human connections require authenticity, vulnerability and unconditional self-acceptance.  These are the qualities we encourage you to practice with fellow members.  Inside the village, you can create your project or business, test your products or services and ask for feedback.  You can practice making mistakes, yet receiving acceptance and support instead of criticism.  You can practice trust, surrender, letting go and equanimity.  You can practice exploring the unknown and trust your own intuition.  You can practice leading others in the true sense of leadership – serving, role modeling, giving and receiving unconditionally.  Teal Village provides a mirror for you to see yourself.  Because how you show up inside the village is how you show up in life and in business.  You come to the village to practice how to make conscious choices!  

6.  Can I come in and try it out?

Of course, as long as you share our vision and are willing to take actions to realize that vision.  Teal Village has a revolving door.  You can come, leave and come back again, in case the village isn’t the right place for you now but will be in the future.  

It doesn’t matter how long you stay, we encourage you to show up the same way you would when joining a community for the long-term.  Don’t be a stranger.  Say hello and socialize, not just hide behind a screen.  The reason for this is simple! Our highest priority is to create a safe space for members and practicing anonymity doesn’t support that.  

7.  Is Teal Village in competition with any other communities/businesses?

Firstly, Teal Village is one of its kind in the world.  There is no competition.  Secondly, we would love to see Teal Village cousins everywhere in the world to multiply our effort in raising human consciousness.  Thirdly, the idea of competition is the exact limiting mindset that we want to move away from through the understanding of Spiritual Intelligence or Teal!  Once we understand the infinite possibilities available to us, we will never want to engage in any energy draining competitions.

If another group and Teal Village overlap in some of our efforts, it is a great reason to collaborate.  Teal Village has a long-term vision that requires the collaboration of as many like-minded people with various talents and resources as possible.  We exist to encourage more collaborations between individuals and groups.  We welcome anyone who shares our vision to join us and/or to collaborate with us.  

8.   Where is Teal Village physically located?

Teal Village is a virtual global community open to all citizens of the world.  It has no national boundary both in its operation and in its mindset.  Our members come from all over the world and all walks of life, from millennials to senior executives, from coaches to authors, doctors, energy healers, social entrepreneurs, and digital nomads.  What we have in common is our shared vision, the desire to become the change we want to see. 

While our platform is online, our activities can be both online and offline.  Nothing would prevent members from meeting each other face to face when they visit each other’s countries or organizing social and business activities locally.  Once the physical Teal Villages (co-housing and co-working space) become a reality, spending time together would become much easier. 

9.   How do I know if I’m qualified to be a member?

We are not looking for perfect human beings.  We are looking for people who want to realize their human potential and are committed to the process.  If you deeply resonate with what you have read on this website and you long to be part of this community, then go ahead and apply.