Myths About Life Purpose

“I struggle to find my life purpose.  I don’t know how.” As a coach, I have heard this comment many times.  Given that there are tens of thousands of free pieces of advice on the internet about the importance of life purpose and how to find it, why so many people still cannot find theirs?  In my opinion, […]

Teal Qualities

“I want to be Teal, but not spiritual.” I have heard variations of this comment many times.  Ironically, that’s equivalent to saying: I want to study for a Ph.D., but I want nothing to do with reading or writing.   All human beings, animals included, are born spiritual, although many of us are not intellectually aware of […]

Teal and Leadership

Recently, I heard this comment: “The problem with Frederic Laloux’s book Reinventing Organization is that it doesn’t talk about leadership.”  It is interesting how we humans interpret the same book so differently.  In my opinion, the book’s 3 breakthroughs of Teal are essentially the conditions AND the results of leadership.  Teal is all about leadership.   Self-Management The essence […]

How To Identify Teal Leaders

Conventional organizations often assess talents based on tangible capabilities, such as knowledge, skills, and past experiences. What’s missing is one of the intangible aspects required to understand a whole person – the mindset or action logic (the logic behind one’s actions), which is crucial in identifying a person’s strengths, especially his leadership capabilities. These action logics are identified […]

Forget About Leadership Style

“What’s the right leadership style for me?”  As a leadership coach, I have been asked this question many times.  This question puzzles me.   Is leadership style a fashion statement that can be taken out of a closet, depending on the dress code of the occasion?   So, I googled it.  It seems THERE IS a set of well recognized […]